Chain Lube for eBikes: A Guide

Chain Lube for Bikes, also known as chain lubricant, is a type of lubrication specifically designed for the chains of bicycles, motorcycles, and other machinery. Its primary purpose is to reduce friction, wear, and tear on the chain, thereby extending its life and improving the efficiency of the machine it's used on. Chain lube also helps to protect the chain from rust and corrosion, especially in harsh weather conditions.

Why its necessary to have good quality chain lube

Having high-quality chain lube is crucial for several reasons, all of which contribute to the performance, longevity, and reliability of your bicycle, motorcycle, or any machinery that relies on a chain for operation. Here's why high-quality chain lube is necessary:

  1. Reduces Friction: The primary function of chain lube is to lubricate the chain, significantly reducing the friction between the moving parts. High-quality lubes do this more effectively, ensuring smoother operation, less resistance, and better performance overall.

  2. Prevents Wear and Tear: Regular movement of chain links against each other and against sprockets can lead to wear and tear. High-quality chain lubes form a protective barrier that minimizes this direct contact, prolonging the life of both the chain and the sprockets.

  3. Protects Against Rust and Corrosion: Chains are often exposed to moisture, which can lead to rust and corrosion, especially in wet or humid conditions. High-quality chain lubes typically offer better protection against moisture, thus preventing rust and maintaining the integrity of the chain.

  4. Improves Efficiency: By reducing friction and preventing wear, high-quality chain lubes help maintain the efficiency of the chain's movement. This means less energy is lost due to mechanical resistance, translating into better fuel economy for motorized vehicles and less effort required for bicycles.

  5. Reduces Maintenance Costs: Using a high-quality chain lube can extend the intervals between maintenance sessions. It keeps the chain in better condition for longer, reducing the frequency of repairs or replacements and ultimately saving money in the long run.

  6. Enhances Performance in Varied Conditions: High-quality lubes are often formulated for specific conditions (wet, dry, dusty, etc.), providing optimal performance regardless of the environment. This adaptability ensures that the chain operates efficiently under a wide range of conditions.

  7. Keeps the Chain Clean: Some high-quality lubes are designed to repel dirt, grime, and other contaminants, keeping the chain cleaner. This not only improves its function but also makes maintenance tasks easier and less frequent.

In summary, investing in high-quality chain lube for bikes is a cost-effective way to ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your equipment. It helps in maintaining efficiency, reducing maintenance requirements, and ensuring that the chain and associated components operate smoothly under various conditions.

cycle lubricant

History of Chain Lubes

The history of chain lubricants spans back to the early industrial era, evolving alongside the development of bicycles, motorcycles, and machinery that utilized chains for power transmission. Initially, the lubrication methods were rudimentary, often employing whatever materials were readily available and could reduce friction, such as natural oils and fats.

Early Developments

  • 19th Century: As bicycles became popular in the late 1800s, the need for effective chain lubrication became evident. Early cyclists might have used natural oils derived from animals or plants. These substances, while providing some lubrication, were far from ideal due to their tendency to attract dirt and degrade quickly.

  • Early 20th Century: With the advent of motorcycles and automobiles, the demand for more effective and durable lubricants increased. Mineral oils, derived from the distillation of petroleum, began to replace natural oils. These oils offered better performance in terms of lubricity and longevity.

Mid-20th Century Innovations

  • World War II: The war effort led to significant advancements in technology, including lubrication science. The need for machinery that could operate reliably in harsh conditions drove the development of more advanced lubricants, including early synthetic oils and greases. These products provided superior performance compared to their mineral oil counterparts.

  • Post-War Developments: The post-war era saw continued innovation in lubricant technology. The automotive industry's growth, along with advancements in manufacturing and engineering, required lubricants that could withstand higher pressures, temperatures, and speeds. This period marked the introduction of additives to oils, enhancing their protective and lubricating properties.

Late 20th Century to Present

  • Synthetic Lubricants: The development of fully synthetic lubricants marked a significant milestone. These lubricants, engineered at the molecular level, offered exceptional performance in extreme conditions, significantly outperforming mineral oils. They provided better thermal stability, reduced friction, and improved wear protection.

  • Specialized Chain Lubes: By the late 20th century, the cycling and motorcycling industries began to see lubricants specifically designed for chain applications. These products were tailored to address the unique challenges of chain lubrication, such as the need to penetrate into tight spaces, resist washout, and minimize attraction of dirt and grit.

  • Environmental and Performance Advances: Recent years have seen a focus on environmentally friendly lubricants, including biodegradable options, alongside continued advancements in performance. Innovations like ceramic nanoparticles and advanced polymers have been introduced to further reduce friction and wear, improve efficiency, and extend the life of chains under various conditions.

The evolution of chain lubes for bikes reflects broader trends in lubrication science and technology, driven by the demands of increasingly sophisticated machinery and environmental considerations. From simple oils to complex synthetic formulations with advanced additives, the development of chain lubes has been a journey of innovation aimed at achieving optimal performance and protection for chains in diverse applications.

Types of Chain Lube

Chain lubes for bikes come in various formulations, each designed to meet specific needs and conditions. Here's a breakdown of the primary types of chain lube, along with their pros and cons:

Wet Lube

  • Pros:
    • Excellent for wet, muddy, or very humid conditions because it sticks to the chain, providing lasting lubrication.
    • Offers great protection against rust and corrosion.
  • Cons:
    • Tends to attract and hold onto dirt, grit, and grime, which can increase wear if not cleaned regularly.
    • May require more frequent cleaning of the chain to maintain optimal performance.

Dry Lube

  • Pros:
    • Ideal for dry and dusty conditions as it's less sticky, attracting less dirt and debris.
    • Often contains particles like Teflon to reduce friction, enhancing efficiency.
  • Cons:
    • Not as durable as wet lube, requiring more frequent application, especially in wet conditions.
    • Offers less protection against rust compared to wet lubes.

Ceramic Lube

  • Pros:
    • Contains ceramic particles that can provide superior lubrication, reducing friction more effectively than standard lubes.
    • Durable and versatile, suitable for both wet and dry conditions.
  • Cons:
    • More expensive than other types of chain lube.
    • The benefits over standard lubes may not justify the cost for casual users.

Wax Lube

  • Pros:
    • Forms a clean, hard coating on the chain that repels water and dirt, making it ideal for keeping the chain clean.
    • Excellent for a wide range of conditions once the chain is properly prepped and coated.
  • Cons:
    • Requires thorough cleaning and drying of the chain before application, which can be time-consuming.
    • May need to be reapplied more frequently than oil-based lubes in some conditions.

Choosing the right chain lube for bikes involves considering your riding conditions, maintenance preferences, and performance expectations. Wet lubes are best for consistently wet environments, dry lubes for dry and dusty conditions, ceramic lubes for high-performance needs, and wax lubes for those prioritizing cleanliness and efficiency. Squirt lube offers a balance between ease of application and the benefits of wax, suitable for riders looking for a middle ground.

How to choose right Chain Lube

Choosing the right chain lube involves considering several factors related to your riding environment, maintenance habits, and performance expectations. Here's a guide to help you select the most suitable chain lube for your needs:

1. Consider Your Riding Conditions

  • Wet Conditions: If you frequently ride in wet, muddy, or very humid environments, a wet lube is the best choice. It's designed to be water-resistant and will provide lasting protection against rust and corrosion. However, it can attract dirt, so it requires regular cleaning.
  • Dry Conditions: For riding in dry, dusty areas, dry lube is preferable. It's less sticky than wet lube, which means it won't attract as much dust and dirt. Remember, though, that it washes away easier, so it might need more frequent reapplication.
  • Variable Conditions: If you ride in areas where the conditions change often or you don't want to change lubes with the seasons, consider a ceramic lube or a wax lube. Ceramic lubes offer durability and protection in both wet and dry conditions, whereas wax lubes provide a clean coating that resists dirt and is water-resistant.

2. Maintenance Willingness

  • Low Maintenance: If you prefer not to spend a lot of time on maintenance, wet lubes might seem less appealing because they require regular cleaning due to their tendency to attract dirt. Wax and dry lubes, while needing more frequent application, generally keep the chain cleaner.
  • High Maintenance: If you're okay with regular upkeep for the best performance, wet lubes or ceramic lubes could be more suitable. They offer excellent protection and performance, with wet lubes needing cleaning and reapplication to prevent grime buildup and ceramic lubes being more about optimal performance with less frequent but more precise maintenance.

3. Performance vs. Cost

  • Budget-Friendly: Dry and wet lubes are generally more affordable and offer good performance for their intended conditions.
  • High-Performance: Ceramic lubes are on the pricier side but provide superior performance and durability. They can be a good investment if you're looking for the best efficiency and protection.

4. Environmental Impact

Some riders also consider the environmental impact of their chain lube. Biodegradable lubes are available for those looking for eco-friendly options. These lubes provide good performance while being less harmful to the environment.

5. Trial and Error

Finally, finding the perfect chain lube often requires some experimentation. What works best for one rider in certain conditions might not be the ideal choice for another. Be prepared to try out a few different types before settling on the one that suits your riding style and maintenance preferences the best.

In summary, the right chain lube for you depends on where and how you ride, how much time you're willing to devote to chain maintenance, and whether you're looking for the best value or the highest performance. By considering these factors, you can narrow down your options and choose a chain lube that will keep your ride smooth and efficient.

Average Lifespan for Chain Lube

Using a wax-based lube like Squirt offers specific benefits and considerations, especially when evaluating its longevity and effectiveness under various conditions. The lifespan of a wax lube on a chain can vary significantly, from as long as 6,000 kilometers under optimal, clean, and dry conditions to as few as 900 kilometers (or even less) under harsh conditions, such as five days of rainy gravel riding. This variation underscores the importance of context and maintenance habits in chain lube selection and care.

lubing bike chain

How to Replace Chain

Replacing a bike chain is an essential skill for cyclists, ensuring smooth and safe rides. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to replace a bike chain, suitable for both novice and experienced riders:

1. Determine the Need for Replacement

  • Wear Check: Use a chain checker tool to measure chain wear. If it's beyond the manufacturer's recommended limit (usually 0.5% to 0.75% stretch), it's time to replace it.
  • Performance Issues: Frequent slipping, poor shifting, or visible damage are also indicators that you might need a new chain.

2. Gather Your Tools

  • Chain tool or chain breaker
  • New chain, compatible with your bike’s drivetrain (same speed count)
  • Quick link (if not included with the new chain, and compatible with your drivetrain)
  • Optional: Master link pliers

3. Remove the Old Chain

  • Locate the Master Link: If your chain has a master link, use master link pliers to disconnect it. If not, you'll need to use a chain tool.
  • Using a Chain Tool: Choose a pin to push out (avoiding any previously replaced links or the master link), and use the chain tool to push it out far enough so you can separate the chain.

4. Size the New Chain

  • Matching Lengths: Lay the new chain alongside the old one on a flat surface to match lengths. If the old chain was significantly stretched, use the bike's gearing to size the new chain instead.
  • Using the Bike to Measure: Install the new chain on the largest chainring and the largest cog without going through the derailleur. Add two links (one inner, one outer) to this length to ensure proper tension.

5. Thread the New Chain

  • Through the Derailleurs: Carefully thread the new chain through the front and rear derailleurs, following the path of the old chain. Pay close attention to the derailleur guide if you're unsure of the routing.
  • Rear Derailleur Tension: Ensure the chain goes through the tensioning system of the rear derailleur correctly, often involving a small tab between the pulleys.

6. Connect the New Chain

  • Using a Master Link: Insert both ends of the chain into the master link, then pull the chain to lock the link in place. You may need to apply pressure to the pedals while holding the rear brake to secure it.
  • Without a Master Link: If using a traditional link, use the chain tool to push the pin back in. Ensure it's aligned correctly and moves freely.

7. Test and Adjust

  • Check the Fit: Ensure there's no excessive slack and that the chain runs smoothly through the drivetrain.
  • Shift Through Gears: Carefully shift through all gears to ensure smooth operation and adjust the rear derailleur if necessary.
  • Safety Check: Make sure the master link or connected link is securely in place and that there are no stiff links.

8. Final Tips

  • Lubrication: Apply a suitable chain lubricant to the new chain and wipe off excess.
  • Regular Maintenance: Regularly clean and lubricate your chain to extend its life and maintain optimal performance.
  • Compatibility: Always use a chain that matches your bike's drivetrain specifications for the number of gears.

Replacing your bike chain regularly is crucial for maintaining your bike's performance and safety. With practice, this process becomes quicker and ensures that your rides are smooth and enjoyable.

Best Chain Lube Brands

When it comes to chain lubrication, several brands stand out for their quality, innovation, and customer loyalty. Here are three highly regarded chain lube brands, known for producing some of the best products in the cycling and motorcycling industries:

1. Finish Line

  • Description: Finish Line is one of the most prominent names in bike maintenance products, including a wide range of chain lubes suitable for various conditions and cycling disciplines. Their lubes are designed with advanced formulas to ensure optimal performance, whether for road biking, mountain biking, or commuting. Key products include Teflon Plus Dry Lube for dry conditions, Wet Lube for extreme conditions, and Ceramic Wax Lube for those seeking advanced technology for reduced friction and enhanced durability. Finish Line focuses on delivering high-performance, environmentally friendly products that cater to both professional and amateur cyclists.

2. Park Tool

  • Description: Park Tool, renowned for its blue-handled bike maintenance tools, also offers a line of high-quality chain lubes. Their CL-1 Synthetic Blend Chain Lube with PTFE is especially popular among both road and off-road cyclists. The CL-1 lube is formulated to penetrate deeply into chain links, providing long-lasting lubrication and protection against rust and corrosion. It works well in both dry and wet conditions, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of environments. Park Tool's dedication to quality and durability in their tools extends to their lubricants, making them a trusted brand among cycling enthusiasts.

3. Squirt Lube

  • Description: Squirt Lube is a unique brand that specializes in wax-based chain lubricants, standing out for its long-lasting and clean-running properties. Unlike traditional oil-based lubes, Squirt Lube's water-based formula contains wax and other additives that provide excellent lubrication while keeping the chain cleaner by repelling dirt and grime. It's particularly favored for its ease of application and for reducing drivetrain maintenance, thanks to its non-stick properties. Squirt Lube is biodegradable, making it an eco-friendly option for cyclists conscious about their environmental impact. Suitable for all weather conditions, it's a popular choice among mountain bikers, road cyclists, and cyclocross riders.

These brands have established themselves through consistent product quality, innovation, and a strong commitment to meeting the diverse needs of cyclists and motorcyclists. Whether you prefer a dry, wet, or wax-based lube, these brands offer options that ensure high performance and protection for your chain in various riding conditions.

Where to buy Lube Chain

In Canada, there are several options for purchasing chain lube, whether you're looking for bicycle or motorcycle chain lubricant. Here's a guide to finding the right place to buy chain lube in Canada, covering both online and physical retail options:

Online Retailers

  1. Amazon Canada - A vast selection of chain lubes from various brands and for different conditions. Convenient for comparing products and prices, and offers customer reviews.
  2. MEC (Mountain Equipment Co-op) - Specializes in outdoor sports and cycling gear, including a range of high-quality chain lubes for bicycles. Offers online shopping and shipping across Canada.
  3. Chain Reaction Cycles - One of the largest online bike stores, offering a wide selection of chain lubes from leading brands. They provide international shipping, including to Canada, often with deals on shipping or discounts on bulk purchases.

Specialty Bike Shops and Retailers

  1. Local Bike Shops - Visiting a local bike shop is not only a great way to find high-quality chain lube but also to support local businesses. Staff at these shops can offer personalized advice based on your specific needs and local riding conditions.
  2. Sporting Goods Stores - Large chains like Sport Chek and Decathlon have physical and online stores where you can find bicycle maintenance products, including chain lubes.

Motorcycle Gear Shops

  1. Canada's Motorcycle (also known as FortNine) - A leading online retailer for motorcycle parts and accessories in Canada. They offer a wide variety of motorcycle chain lubes suitable for different riding conditions.
  2. Local Motorcycle Dealerships and Accessory Stores - These stores typically carry a selection of maintenance products, including chain lubes. Staff can provide recommendations based on the type of motorcycle and the typical riding conditions you might encounter.

How to use Chain Lube

Protecting your chain lube involves practices that ensure its effectiveness lasts as long as possible, thereby extending the life of your bike's chain and enhancing your riding experience. Here are strategies to protect your chain lube and get the most out of it:

1. Regular Cleaning

  • Clean Before Lubing: Dirt and grime on your chain can significantly reduce the effectiveness of chain lube. Clean your chain thoroughly before applying lube to ensure it adheres properly and works effectively.
  • Use the Right Cleaners: Utilize bike-specific degreasers or mild soap and water for cleaning. Harsh chemicals can damage the chain or strip away necessary lubrication.

2. Proper Application

  • Apply Sparingly: More lube does not necessarily mean better lubrication. Excess lube can attract dirt and grime, which wears down the chain. Apply lube sparingly and wipe away any excess.
  • Let It Settle: After application, give the lube some time to penetrate into the chain links. This usually means waiting a few minutes to several hours, depending on the lube type. Refer to the product instructions for the best practice.

3. Choose the Right Lube Type

  • Match Lube with Conditions: Wet lubes are best for wet conditions but can attract more dirt in dry conditions. Dry lubes are great for dry, dusty environments but may need reapplication after encountering water. Choose the lube that best matches your typical riding conditions.
  • Consider Wax Lubes: Wax lubes, while requiring more meticulous application, can protect the chain from dirt buildup more effectively than liquid lubes in many conditions.

4. Storage and Environment

  • Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Store your bike in a place with moderate temperatures to protect the integrity of the chain lube. Extreme heat or cold can affect the lube's consistency and performance.
  • Keep It Dry: While this isn't always possible, especially with outdoor storage or during rides, try to minimize the chain's exposure to water to prevent washout of the lube and to reduce rust and corrosion risk.

5. Regular Maintenance

  • Check and Reapply Regularly: The longevity of chain lube varies based on riding conditions, lube type, and distance traveled. Regularly check your chain for signs of wear or noise, and reapply lube as needed.
  • After Ride Care: If you’ve ridden in particularly harsh conditions (heavy rain, mud), consider cleaning and re-lubing your chain sooner than you normally would.

6. Use Quality Products

  • Invest in Quality Lube: Not all chain lubes are created equal. High-quality lubes may cost more upfront but can offer better protection and longevity, saving you time and maintenance costs in the long run.

By following these strategies, you can protect your chain lube, ensuring that it continues to perform its critical role in keeping your chain running smoothly, reducing wear, and protecting against rust and corrosion. Regular attention and proper care will extend the life of your chain and improve your cycling experience.

bike chain lube

Additional Accessories for Chain Lube

To complement chain lube and enhance the overall maintenance and performance of your bike's drivetrain, there are several additional accessories and tools you might consider. These can help extend the life of your chain and gears, improve efficiency, and make maintenance tasks easier and more effective.

1. Chain Cleaner Tool

  • Description: A chain cleaner tool encases the chain and has rotating brushes and a reservoir for degreaser fluid. As you pedal, the tool scrubs the chain clean, offering a more thorough cleaning than manual wiping.
  • Benefit: Simplifies and improves the chain cleaning process without requiring removal of the chain.

2. Degreaser

  • Description: A chemical solution designed to break down and remove grease, oil, and buildup from your chain and drivetrain components.
  • Benefit: Ensures a clean surface for applying new lube, which can extend the life of your chain and improve performance.

3. Chain Wear Indicator Tool

  • Description: A simple tool that measures the stretch and wear of a chain to determine when it's time for replacement.
  • Benefit: Helps avoid excessive wear on other drivetrain components, like your cassette and chainrings, by timely identifying a worn-out chain.

4. Lubrication Syringe or Precision Applicator

  • Description: These tools allow for precise application of chain lube to each roller, minimizing waste and ensuring even coverage.
  • Benefit: Reduces mess and waste, and ensures lube gets exactly where it needs to be for optimal performance.

5. Quick Links

  • Description: Also known as master links, these are reusable chain links that allow for quick and tool-free connection or disconnection of a chain.
  • Benefit: Facilitates easy chain removal for thorough cleaning and maintenance without needing a chain tool.

6. Quick Link Pliers

  • Description: Pliers designed to easily open and close quick links/master links without damaging them.
  • Benefit: Simplifies the process of breaking and rejoining a chain, making maintenance tasks quicker and less daunting.

7. Chain Whip and Cassette Lockring Tool

  • Description: The chain whip holds the cassette in place, while the lockring tool is used to loosen or tighten the cassette's lockring on the rear hub.
  • Benefit: Essential for cassette removal and installation, allowing for deep cleaning or replacement.

8. Work Stand

  • Description: A stand that holds your bike securely at a comfortable height for maintenance and repair work.
  • Benefit: Makes all maintenance tasks easier and more comfortable, particularly for tasks requiring wheel rotation or drivetrain work.

9. Rags and Brushes

  • Description: Various sized brushes for cleaning different parts of the bike and soft rags for wiping down and drying.
  • Benefit: Essential for effective cleaning and maintenance, helping to remove dirt from hard-to-reach places and polish surfaces.

Investing in these accessories can greatly enhance your bike maintenance routine, ensuring your drivetrain operates smoothly and efficiently, and ultimately prolonging the life of your bike.


Chain lube plays a pivotal role in the maintenance and performance of a bicycle or motorcycle, acting as a crucial component that ensures the longevity of the chain and drivetrain components. The right chain lube can significantly reduce friction, protect against wear and corrosion, and contribute to a smoother, more efficient ride. Understanding the different types of chain lube available—wet, dry, ceramic, and wax—and their specific applications allows cyclists and motorcyclists to make informed choices that match their riding conditions and maintenance preferences.

The importance of using high-quality chain lube cannot be overstated. It not only extends the life of the chain and drivetrain components but also enhances the riding experience by improving gear shifting and reducing noise. Regular application and maintenance, tailored to the specific conditions in which the bike is used, are key to reaping the full benefits of chain lube.

Environmental considerations are also becoming increasingly important in the choice of chain lube. Biodegradable and eco-friendly options are available that offer effective lubrication while minimizing environmental impact. Proper disposal and adherence to environmental regulations ensure that the use of chain lube does not contribute negatively to the planet.

Complementing chain lube with the right maintenance accessories—such as chain cleaner tools, degreasers, wear indicator tools, and precision applicators—further enhances its effectiveness and the overall condition of the bike. Investing in these tools not only simplifies the maintenance process but also ensures that the bike operates at its best performance level.

In conclusion, chain lube is an essential element of bicycle and motorcycle care. Choosing the right type based on riding conditions, applying it correctly, and conducting regular maintenance can significantly impact the performance and lifespan of your chain and drivetrain. Coupled with a commitment to environmental responsibility and the use of appropriate maintenance tools, cyclists and motorcyclists can enjoy a smoother, more efficient, and environmentally friendly ride. If you want to learn more about ebikes and different accessories visit our blog. We'll help to find best solution for your needs